African elephants or Asian elephants – which animals are bigger? - African elephants are bigger (than Asian elephants)., France or Spain – which country is smaller? - Spain is smaller (than France)., February or November – which month is longer? - November is longer (than February)., The sun or the moon – which one is farther from the earth? - The sun is farther (from the earth)., The Pyramids of Egypt or the Eiffel Tower in Paris – which landmark is taller? - The Eiffel Tower is taller (than the Pyramids)., Canada or the United States – which country is younger? - Canada is younger (than the United States)., Africa or Asia – which continent is larger? - Asia is larger (than Africa)., Latvia or Lebanon – which country is colder? - Latvia is colder (than Lebanon)., Singapore or Iceland – which country has a bigger population? - Singapore has a bigger population (than Iceland)., The Nile River or the Amazon River – which river is longer? - The Amazon River is longer (than the Nile River)., The Pacific or the Atlantic – which ocean is wider? - The Pacific is wider (than the Atlantic)., Texas or Alaska – which state is bigger? - Alaska is bigger (than Texas)., lose all points, lose all points, lose all points, change, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Tokyo: which is the most expensive city? - Hong Kong, tsetse fly, mosquito, black mamba: what is the most dangerous animal? - mosquitoes,

CLIL quiz with comparatives (geography)

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