1) He comes from a royal family. It is so difficult for him to live _______ a) To his name b) Up to his name c) Household name d) Up his name 2) give someone or something the same name as someone or something else, especially the same first name as a member of your family a) Name from b) Name of c) Name after d) Name for 3) to be very well known a) Be a household name b) Have a household name c) Be a famous name d) Have a famous name 4) Microsoft has become a ________(to be very well-known ) a) Maiden name b) Celebrity name c) Main name d) Household name 5) The original surname of a married woman who uses her husband's surname name after marriage a) Maden name b) Made name c) Maid name d) Maiden name e) Given name f) Main name 6) the name that is chosen for you at birth and is not your family name a) Given name b) Birth name c) Main name d) Maiden name 7) To the south of us, democracy exists ________ a) Only in name b) In only name c) Name only d) In name only 8) Prove someone (or oneself) innocent a) Clean surname b) Clear name c) Clean up d) Clear off 9) I want to be new school president. So I am going to ______ a) Put me forward b) Put my name for c) Put my name forward 10) to become famous or respected by a lot of people: a) Make a name for yourself b) Make name for yourself c) Do a name for yourself

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