available - If something you want or need is _____, you can find it or obtain it., beans, consumer - a person who buys things or uses services, crops - plants such as wheat and potatoes that are grown in large quantities for food., export - To ____ products means to sell them to another country., harvest - the gathering of a crop, import - To _____ products or raw materials means to buy them from another country for use in your own country., increase - to become greater in amount, number, value, produce - food or other things that are grown in large quantities to be sold., production - the process of manufacturing or growing something in large quantities, purchase - to buy sth, season - You can use _____ to refer to the period when a particular fruit, vegetable, or other food is ready for eating and is widely available., steak, transport - To _____ people or goods somewhere is to take them from one place to another in a vehicle., vegetarian - Someone who is _____ never eats meat or fish., wheat, seed - the small, hard part of a plant from which a new plant grows.,

Gold experience B1+ - Unit 3 - food and transport

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