主意 - idea, 帽子 - topi, 香皂 - soap, 递 - hand over, 词典 - dictionary, 筷子 - chopsticks, 汤匙 - spoon, 厨房 - kitchen, 烤 - bake, 漫画书 - comic book, 拳头 - fist, 乒乓球拍 - table tennis bat, 香蕉 - banana, 阅读角落 - reading corner, 铜钱 - bronze coin, 穷人 - Poor man, 凶巴巴 - fiercely, ferociously, 瞪 - stare at, 压 - to press; to hold down, 骂 - angry, 可怜 - pitiful, 竟然 - unexpectedly, 骑 - ride, 毛驴 - donkey, 小镇 - small town, village, 欺负 - bully, 睁大 - to open one's eyes, 不慌不忙 - calm and unhurried, 欠 - to owe, 参观 - restaurant,

lesson 14

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