1) Name for when something changed from one thing to another.... a) translated b) transformed c) transpired d) transported 2) When a gas becomes a liquid, it _________. a) calender b) collapses c) completed d) condenses 3) When something has been set free, it has been ________.  a) realized b) relation c) released d) remade 4) The water ______ down the river. a) floss b) flows c) flees d) flies 5) The family is _______ food for the winter when they can't get supplies. a) storing b) story c) storming d) speaking 6) People need _________ to keep the world moving. a) replacements b) resourkes c) resources d) references 7) When an ice-cream melts, it _______ more than when it is frozen. a) feels b) flows c) flees d) floze 8) As the boy grew older, he __________ into a man. a) television b) transported c) translated d) transformed 9) There are special places for _________ supplies called warehouses. a) storing b) stealing c) speaking d) story 10) When a bird it set free from a cage, it has been ________. a) realised b) released c) resources d) replaced

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