spider - I brought the light to the world and I have 8 legs, owl - Gathered all of the animals in the world. Also says Hoot!, crow - "Where there is light, animals can see all around said this animal! " A type of bird., bear - "What is the meaning of light?" We have lots of these types of animals in Asheville. , possum - The first animal to go look for the light. It burned his tail off!, otter - He said "the journey is long and dangerous." Likes to play in the water., fox - Said we will have to steal the light. Has a bushy tail., buzzard - He put the light on his head. He is a type of bird., northern lands - Where the animals lived?, cherokee - The Nation that wrote this story?, horse - Lives in a stable?, cat - Says meow., dog - Likes to bark a lot, wolf - Howls at the moon, deer - An animal that has antlers, moose - An animal that has bigger antlers, squirrel - Likes to eat nuts, racoon - Has a mask on its face, bobcat - Doesn't meow but can look like a cat, goat - Type of animal with a beard, clay pot - What grandmother spider brought the light home in,

Animal Tales

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