1) They were delighted _______ the present I gave them. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) to 2) It was nice __________ you to come and see me when I was ill. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) to 3) Why are you always so rude __________ people? Why can’t you be more polite? a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) to 4) We always have the same food every day. I’m fed up __________ it. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) to 5) We had a good holiday, but we were disappointed __________ the hotel. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) to 6) I can’t understand people who are cruel __________ animals. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) to 7) I was surprised __________ the way he behaved. It was completely out of character. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) to 8) I’ve been trying to learn Japanese, but I’m not very satisfied __________ my progress. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) to 9) Tanya doesn’t look very well. I’m worried __________ her. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) for 10) I’m sorry __________ yesterday. I completely forgot we’d arranged to meet. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) for 11) There’s no point in feeling sorry __________ yourself. It won’t help you. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) for 12) Are you still upset __________ what I said to you yesterday? a) at b) for c) with d) of e) about f) to 13) Some people say Kate is unfriendly, but she’s always been very nice __________ me. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) to 14) I’m tired __________ doing the same thing every day. I need a change. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) for 15) We interviewed ten people for the job, and we weren’t impressed __________ any of them. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) to 16) Vicky is annoyed __________ me because I didn’t agree with her. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) to 17) I’m sorry __________ the smell in this room. I’ve just finished painting it. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) for 18) I was shocked __________ what I saw. I’d never seen anything like it before. a) at b) for c) with d) of e) about 19) Jack is sorry __________ what he did. He won’t do it again. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) for 20) The hotel was incredibly expensive. I was amazed __________ the price of a room. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) for 21) Paul made the wrong decision. It was honest __________ him to admit it. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) from 22) You’ve been very generous __________ me. You’ve helped me a lot. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) to 23) Our neighbours were very angry __________ the noise we made. a) at b) by c) with d) of e) about f) for 24) Our neighbours were furious__________ us __________ making so much noise. a) at; for b) by; about c) with; for d) of; for  e) about; at f) to; for

Adjective + preposition: Part 1

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