1) Butterflies are Invertebrates or Vertebrates? a) Invertebrates b) Vertebrates 2) Elephants are Viviparous or Oviparous? a) Viviparous b) Oviparous 3) Turtles are Herbivores or Carnivores? a) Carnivores b) Herbivores 4) Bears are Omnivores or Carnivores? a) Omnivores b) Carnivores 5) Amphibians have wet skin or have scales? a) Scales b) Wet skin 6) A Snake is a a) Vertebrate and Oviparous b) Invertebrate and Viviparous 7) Amphibians lay their eggs... a) Lay their egg in Water  b) Lay their egg on Land 8) Reptiles lay their eggs... a) Lay their egg in Water b) Lay their egg on Land 9) Birds have beaks, tails, and... a) wings b) gills c) shell d) scales 10) Viviparous or Oviparous? a) Viviparous b) Oviparous

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