When Charlie got back home after his school trip to Hardhill Castle, he put everything that was in his backpack on the dining room table. 'Where's my phone?' he said. 'I was ____ it was in here.' He suddenly began to feel really worried! 'That's a surprise!' he thought. 'Oh no! It's ____ ! I hope it didn't fall out through this hole!' 'What am I going to do? I can't ____ Holly or text her, so she'll be really angry with me. I can't go ____ to read Grandma's email again or do the searches I need for my history homework. I have to look at that ____about important explorers who went on sea journeys in the nineteenth century. There's also that brilliant new e-book that Michael told me about. It's so exciting! I wanted to read that this evening.' And then he thought: 'What's that noise? It ____ like my phone! So where is it? Oh! It's in my trouser pocket!' Charlie took it out. looked at the screen to see who was phoning him and said, 'Oh! Hurrayl It's you Holly! Sorry about yesterday .. .'



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