1) 3. A butcher is a man _____ sells meat and sausages. a) who b) which 2) 1. I know a girl ____ likes apples with sugar. a) who b) which 3) 2. The newpaper ____ I read yesterday was the Times. a) who b) which 4) 4. The man ______ was arrested stole my bike. a) who b) which 5) 5. The book ______ is lying on the table is very old. a) who b) which 6) 6. The snow _____ fell last night caused a traffic jam. a) who b) which 7) 8. The hat ______ is made of straw belongs to my father. a) who b) which 8) 9. I don't like pudding ______ is too sweet. a) who b) which 9) 10. The train to London _____ arrives at 10.30 is late. a) who b) which 10) 11. This is the pen _____ I was looking for. a) who b) which 11) 12. Where is the restaurant _____ offers Italian food? a) who b) which 12) 13. The old lady _____ is crossing the street lives next to me. a) who b) which 13) 14. The house ____ we visited yesterday was sold today. a) who b) which 14) 15. People _____ live in big cities can sometimes be lonely. a) who b) which 15) That's the dog _____ bit my little brother. a) who b) which

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