adaptation - a trait or "thing" plants and animals have that help them survive in their habitat , camouflage - an animal's ability to blend in with its surroundings, carnivore - animals that eat other animals, habitat - a place where animals live with the four survival requirements, predator - an animal that hunts other animals for food, shelter - an animal's place of safety and protection from danger and weather, herbivore - an animal that eats plants, omnivore - an animal that eats both plants and animals, super volcano - unusually large and doesn't resemble the shape of a cone with steep sides having a large depression such as a crater instead, environment - the surroundings in which a person, animal, or plant lives, hotspot - areas of the Earth's surface that have long periods of volcanic activity, lava - molten rock erupting from a volcano or through Earth's cracks, magma - molten material below or in the Earth's crust, raptor - bird of prey that hunts using strong talons, sharp hooked beaks, and excellent sight, riparian - a wet environment near rivers and streams,

Animal Adaptation Lingo - large challenge level

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