ser pan comido - to be a piece of cake/ easy peasy, estar sin blanca - to be skint, estar en el quinto pino - to be far away, estar hasta las narices - to have had it up to there, hablar por los codos - to talk nineteen to the dozen, tomar el pelo - to pull one's leg, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos - in the blink of an eye, a fin de cuentas - at the end of the day, a duras penas - scarcely, estar de mala leche - to be in very bad mood, más vale tarde que nunca - better late than never, el tiempo es oro - time is money, no dar un palo al agua - to be lazy, poner las cartas sobre la mesa - to put your cards on the table, pedir peras al olmo - to ask for the impossible, es harina de otro costal - that’s another kettle of fish, no tener ni pies ni cabeza - to make no sense, merece/ vale la pena - to be worthwhile/worth it, matar dos pájaros de un tiro - to kill two birds with one stone, remover Roma con Santiago - to move heaven and earth, ir al grano - to get to the point, estar de bote en bote - to be busy/ packed, a trancas y barrancas - with great difficulty, al pie de la letra - to the T, no tener pelos en la lengua - to call a spade a spade,

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