Es i i Gaerdydd efo fy nheulu. - I went to Cardiff with my family., Teithias i ar y tren. - I travelled on a train, Teithiais i am 3 awr. - I travelled for 3 hours., Ar y tren, bwytais i brechdan ham. - On the train, I ate a ham sandwich., Arhosais i mewn gwesty 5 seren - I stayed in a 5 star hotel., Arhosais i am 3 noson. - I stayed for 3 nights., Ar ddydd Sadwrn, es i i Amgueddfa. - On Saturday, I went to a museum., Gwelais i castell mawr - I saw a big castle., Ar ddydd Sul es i i Stadiwm y Principality. - On Sunday, I went to the Principality Stadium, Gwyliais i gem rygbi - I watched a rugby match., Roedd o'n hwyl iawn! - I was fun!, Yn y nos, es i i Five Guys - In the evening, I went to Five Guys., Bwytais i byrger a sglodion. - I ate a burger and chips., Yfais i Fanta. - I drank a Fanta., Hoffwn i fynd i Gaerdydd yn y dyfodol! - I would like to go to Cardiff in the future.,

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