Device - computer, laptop, tablet, phone, Enter - press the enter key OR click on where it says ‘enter’ ‘ok’ ‘submit’ on the screen), Go to - find on your screen and click, Keyboard - board with keys used for typing, Keyboard shortcut - a short way to do something using the keyboard), Left click - press the left side of the mouse, Link - short for weblink, Log on - enter the app using your username and password, Maximize - make your work cover the entire screen, Minimize - make your work smaller on the screen, Open a document / link - click on the name of the document / link, Password - special word or pass to allow you to get in, Right click - press the right side of the mouse, Select - choose by clicking on the one you want, Shortcut cut - looks like a pair of scissors, so CTRL X, Shortcut paste - looks like an in arrow, so CTRL V, Switch on / power on - turn on, Symbol - special mark – not a letter or number, Type - use the keyboard to ‘write’ words, Username - the name of the user – you,
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