1) She _______ her hair a) brushes b) brush 2) He _______ his teeth. a) brush b) brushes 3) She _______ social media. a) checks b) check 4) He _______ his hair. a) comb b) combs 5) He _______ . a) cooks b) cook 6) She _______ her homework. a) do b) does 7) They _______ the laundry. a) do b) does 8) He _______ . a) drink b) drinks 9) He _______ breakfast. a) eats b) eat 10) She _______ dinner. a) eat b) eats 11) She _______ lunch. a) eats b) eat 12) He _______ . a) exercise b) exercises 13) She _______ the baby. a) feeds b) feed 14) She _______ the cat. a) feed b) feeds 15) He _______ the dog. a) feeds b) feed 16) She _______ . a) floss b) flosses 17) He _______ dressed. a) gets b) get 18) He _______ undressed. a) get b) gets 19) She _______ up. a) gets b) get 20) He _______ to bed. a) go b) goes 21) He _______ to school. a) goes b) go 22) She _______ to work. a) go b) goes 23) They _______ out. a) hang b) hangs 24) He _______ . a) iron b) irons 25) He _______ . a) listens b) listen 26) He _______ a lunch. a) pack b) packs 27) He _______ the guitar. a) plays b) play 28) She _______ the piano. a) play b) plays 29) He _______ on deodorant. a) puts b) put 30) She _______ on makeup. a) put b) puts 31) He _______ . a) reads b) read 32) He _______ . a) relax b) relaxes 33) He _______ . a) shaves b) shave 34) She _______ . a) sleep b) sleeps 35) She _______ . a) studies b) study 36) He _______ . a) sweep b) sweeps 37) She _______ a bath. a) takes b) take 38) He _______ a shower. a) take b) takes 39) He _______ on the phone. a) talks b) talk 40) He _______ . a) vacuum b) vacuums 41) She _______ up. a) wakes b) wake 42) He _______ the dog. a) walk b) walks 43) She _______ her face. a) washes b) wash 44) He _______ the dishes. a) wash b) washes 45) He _______ a movie. a) watches b) watch 46) She _______ TV. a) watch b) watches

Present Simple | Positive | Pronouns - he & she | Basic Grammar | Daily Routines | Tenses | ELLII

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