什么(shén me)what, 弯弯(wān wān)crooked, 挂(guà) hang, 天边(tiān biān)  sky side, 停(tíng) stop, 江边(jiāngbiān) riverside, 月亮 (yuèliang) moon, 船儿(chuán er) boat, 游(yóu) to swim, 照(zhào) to shine, 满天(mǎn tiān) Entire Sky, 鲤鱼(lǐyú) carp, 尖(jiān) sharp, 握(wò)grip, 火箭(huǒjiàn) a rocket, 冲(chong)rush, 圆(yuán) round, 苹果(píngguǒ)  apple, 葡萄(pútao) grape.

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