How old are you?, Where are you from?, Do you have any siblings (brothers/sisters) ? If yes, are they older or younger than you? , What sports do you do?, What do you like doing in your free time?, What hobbies do you have?, Can you drive a car? , Do you work online/offline? How do you get to work? How long does it take you to get to work? ( It takes me....), What day is it today? What day was it yesterday? What day will it be tomorrow?, What did you do yesterday? , What is your favourite dish? Can you cook? ( If yes, what can you cook?), Where would you like to live/ travel in the future?, Have you ever been to a foreign country ( abroad)? Where and when?, Why do you study English?, What kind of films do you prefer?, Do you enjoy reading? What is your favourite book?, Have you ever taken a risk? What was it?, What is your mom like? What does your mom like?, What makes you happy/ angry?, Where do you like hanging out with your friends? , Are you an early bird or a night owl?, What do you hate doing? Why?, What is your dream? What should you do to come it true?.

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