nails - Women often paint this part of their fingers and toes, brush your teeth - If you don’t do this, you might have to go to the dentist., heart - The organ in your chest that sends blood around your body., suck your thumb - You might have done this when you were young., lungs - You can’t breathe without them., waist - A belt usually goes around this., fist - Boxers close their hand and palm to make this before they hit someone., shrug your shoulders - You might do this if you don’t know the answer to something., wink - People often do this with one eye to show they’re not being serious., blow your nose - You do this with a tissue when you have a cold., raise your eyebrows - A way of showing surprise using a part of your face., yawn - When you’re bored or tired you open your mouth and do this., hug - Put your arms around someone to show that you like them., wave - Say goodbye using your hand., shake hands - What two people may do when they meet for the first time., nod your head - You do this when you agree with someone or something.,

EC I4 M1 7B The Body Hangman (with clues)

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