Where do you sometimes go shopping?, What kinds of food do you rarely eat?, What do you always do in the evening before bed?, What things sometimes make you feel nervous?, What do good English learners often do?, What do you seldom do in English class?, What do you always do in the mornings?, What kinds of books do you sometimes read?, What kinds of food do you seldom eat?, What kinds of things do you hardly ever buy?, What do you often do on the weekends?, What do you almost always do after class?, Who do you sometimes meet on the weekends?, What do you never do in the mornings?, What things do you never worry about?, Where do you usually go on vacation?, What kinds of movies do you hardly ever watch?, What things do you sometimes worry about?, What things sometimes make you feel angry?, What do you almost always watch on TV?, What kinds of things do you never do in your free time?, How do you usually go to work or school?, What sports do you sometimes play?, What kinds of clothes do you usually wear?, What kinds of clothes do you never wear?, What kinds of things often make you laugh?, What do you often do to feel more relaxed?, What strange things do your friend often do?, What do you often text your friends about?.

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