1) I disagree with death penalty _______________ the justice system in here in the Philippines favors the rich.  a) so b) therefore c) it follows that d) thus e) consequently f) because 2) All statements are opinion except: a) Computers can cause cancer. b) Individual efforts to save the environment is useless. c) Calamansi is good for colds because it is rich in vitamin C which is good for sick people. d) Laptops are better than computers. e) Your outfit doesn't look good on you. f) I think it is better to marry early than late. 3) We should conserve energy and lessen our carbon foot print for the fact that the world is getting warmer and the scientists are protesting that we only have 3 to 5 years left to save our planet. What are the premises in the statement?  a) We should conserve energy and lessen our carbon foot print b) lessen our carbon foot print c) We should conserve d) for the fact that the world is getting warmer and the scientists are protesting that we only have 3 to 5 years left to save our planet e) for the fact that f) scientists are protesting 4) Opinion is defined as: a) Is a claim that needs to be worth making, valid, sound, and logical. b) A formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward. c) s false or misleading information presented as news. d) Synonymous to argument. e) Opinion is a personal claim that does not necessarily require support and certain qualities. 5) All items are premise indicators except for: a) because b) consequently c) for the fact that d) since e) as f) for

Opinion or Argument

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