be about to - to be going to do something very soon, be back - come back; return, be fed up with - be bored, annoyed, or disappointed, break down - stop working, break in (into) - enter a building to steal something, bring someone up - look after and educate (a child), bump into - to meet someone you know by chance, call someone back - to call someone who called you earlier, call for - to go to a place in order to get someone, carry on - to continue doing something, carry something out - to do or complete something, catch up with - to reach the same level as someone or something, close down - stop working, operating (about a shop or business), come back - to return to a place, depend on - to trust someone or something (=rely on ), fall out (with someone) - to argue (with someone), fall through - not happen; fail, find someone/thing out - discover, get information , get away - to leave for vaction or escape , get back - to return to a place after you have been away, get on with - to have a good relationship with someone, get over something - to feel better after being sick or sad, get rid of - to throw something away, give something back - to return something to the person who gave it to you, go through something - to have a difficult or bad situation, knock someone/thing down - to hit or push someone over, especially accidentally,, let someone/thing down - to not do something that you promised to do, make someone/thing up - invent, to say or write something that is not true, make up for - compensate, pick something up - to learn a new skill or language by practising it, not by studying it, pick someone/thing up - to go somewhere in order to get someone or something, put someone/thing off - to decide to do something at a later time, put a fire out - to extinguish , run out of something - to finish, use, or sell all of something , set up - to start a company or organization, slow someone/thing down - to make something slower, take someone/thing on - to accept a particular job or responsibility, take over - to get control of something, turn someone/thing down - to refuse an offer or request,

B1 Intermediate Phrasal Verbs BI Syllabus

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