I`m so happy. I ... all the exams. (already / pass), He was upset yesterday. He ... the exam. (not / pass), The grass was yellow because it ... all summer. (not / rain), Our taxi ... by 9 o’clock yesterday morning. (arrive), Let’s go. The guests ... (already/come), Sam ... his keys. So he can’t open the door. (lose), When I woke up in the morning, the rain ... (already/stop)., The girls were good friends. They ... each other for 5 years. (know), My friend and I are good friends. We ... each other for ten years. (know), Look at this concert hall! They ... it recently. (build), Where is Mary? - Mary ... the office. (just/leave), By the time the bell rang, everyone ... (already/leave), My aunt is ill. She ... in hospital since Monday. (be), I didn't introduce Katie and Ann to each other, they ... before. (already/meet), I`m going to the library to return this book. I ... it already. (read), When I came back home, I understood that I ... my keys at work. (leave), I ... this place since last time I was there. (not/visit), They ... never ... to this restaurant. Let's invite them to this place! (be), Before my trip to Paris two years ago, I ... to France . (never/be), You look tired. Where ... you ... ? (be), You looked happy yesterday. What ... ? (happen), By 7 o`clock yesterday I ... my homework. (do), Are you busy? - Yes, I .... my homework yet. (not/do), It`s the first time I ... in London. (be), It was the third time I ... dinner in this restaurant. (have), Bill said that he ... shopping. (already/do), He had a headache because he ... computer games for a long time. (play), I wonder where Sam is? I ... him for a long time. (not/see), It was the first time he ... in a helicopter. (fly).

Present Perfect / Past Perfect


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