1) You are running late to school as your Mom's car would not start up. a) Yell at your mo0m for making you late. b) Take deep breaths. Think "It's okay, my teacher will understand why I am late." 2) You did not study for a math test. You do not know any of the answers.  a) Put your head on your head on your desk and not write anything. b) Do you best to try and answer the questions as the best you can. 3) Problem: It is storming outside. You are terrified of storms.  a) Scream and hide under your desk. b) Think, "Storm's can't hurt me." Keep calmly working at your desk. 4) You don't get called on in class.  a) Still yell out your answer anyway. b) Say nothing. Think, "I may get called on next time." 5) Your teacher is showing the class a shell that she brought back from the beach. You can't see it as other students are standing in your way.  a) Push the other kids out of the way so that you can see it. b) Wait your turn and lsowly move to the front of the students once they have looked at it. 6) The fire alarm sounds. It is really loud. The sound really scares you.  a) Put your hands over your ears or put on your headphones. Let your teacher know that you need help. b) Scream, yell and hide under the table. Refuse to come3 out from under it. 7) You make a spelling mistake on your book report.  a) Erase the spelling error and re-write the correct spelling. b) Refuse to finish your report as you think it's ruined. 8) A kid cheats when they are playi8ng a board game with you.  a) Calmly explain the rules to the other kid and let him correct what he did. b) Yell, "You're cheating! I will not play with you ever again." 9) You want to wear your yellow sweater to school but it is dirty.  a) Wear a different sweater instead. b) Refuse to come to school unless your mom washes the yellow sweater. 10) You are having a hard time concentrating in class. a) Take a break and then try again. b) Yell at the person making noise next to you. 11) You don't know the answer to a question. a) Scream and loudly say "I can't do this!" b) Take deep breaths and use positive self-talk. 12) Someone bumps into you in the hallway. a) Push the other student and say, "watch where you're going!" b) Shake it off, it was probably an accident.

Choose the Correct Reaction


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