Do you always remember to send birthday greetings? Do you send them in social media?, Talk about something you sometimes forget to do., Is it possible to study without a teacher? How?, Why do some learners prefer studying when there's some music in the room?, What activity would you like to try? Why?, What DON'T you like doing? Why?, Are you good at making new friends?, Is it easy for you to decide which job to do in the future?, Speak about something you want to do at the weekend., What do you find difficult to do in English?, Do your parents let you to do what you want and when you want?, Do you avoid speaking to people you don’t like?, Are you looking forward to leaving school? What would you like to do when you leave school?, What are you afraid of?, Why did you decide to learn English?, Is there any food that you would refuse to eat?, Can you imagine becoming a famous pop star, sports star or film star?, Have you ever considered changing your hair colour?, When do you think you will finish studying English?, Do you expect to get a good score in your final English test this year?, Have you ever agreed to do something that you didn’t want to do?.
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