1) What is the name of the ....... port in England? a) big b) bigger c) biggest 2) The English Channel is ......than the Straight of Gibraltar. a) wide b) wider c) widest 3) There is a ........number of cars and buses in the streets of Moscow. a) great b) greater c) greatest 4) St. Petersburg is one of the .......cities in the world. a) beautiful b) more beautiful c) most beautiful 5) Moscow is the .....city in Russia. a) large b) larger c) laggest 6) The London underground is the .....in the world. a) old b) older c) oldest 7) She was .......than her mother. a) attractive b) more attractive c) most attractive 8) I need a ........coat. a) warm b) warmer c) warmest 9) This is the .......room in our flat. a) small b) smaller c) smallest 10) She speaks Italian .....than English. a) good b) better c) best 11) It is .......to swim in the sea than in the river. a) easy b) easier c) easiest 12) He was the .......in my family. a) old b) elder c) eldest 13) He was the .....pupil in the class. a) bad b) worse c) worst 14) My composition is .......than yours. a) long b) longer c) longest 15) .......late than never. a) good b) better c) best

degrees of comparison


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