1) I ______________ to London tomorrow afternoon. a) am flying b) go c) are flying d) are going to fly 2) He _______________ fall. Look! a) will b) is going to c) is falling d) am falling 3) I _____________ you with your homework. Don't worry! a) will help b) am going to help c) am going help d) am going to helping 4) _______ I make you a cup of coffee? a) am going to b) will c) shall d) am 5) It ______________________ .The sky is grey. a) is snowing b) is going to snowing c) will snow d) is going to snow 6) I'm so tired! I _____________ take a rest a) will b) am going to c) won´t d) am not going to 7) You ________________ computer games when we arrive home. You have to tidy our room a) be playing b) are not going to play c) are going to go d) are playing 8) We use _____________ for future plans or intentions a) to be going to b) Present Continuous c) Future Continuous 9) We use ______________ for future arrangements. a) Present Continuous b) to be going to c) Future Continuous 10) We use ______________ for unplanned decisions a) Present Simple b) will c) Present Continuous

Future forms

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