1) __________ and _________ make waves that flow outward into space at the speed of the light. a) Electricity and Magnestism b) Coloumbs Law and Snell's Law c) Magnetic Fields and Electrical Current d) Micorwaves and Radiowaves 2) Is one of the combined electromagnetic force. a) X-rays b) Gamma Rays c) Electricity d) Magnetism 3) Exists the smallest particle in nature called the atom a) Electricity b) Magnetism c) X-rays d) Gamma Rays 4) He is the first person to coin and use the terms positive and negative charge. a) Charles-Augustin de Coulomb b) André-Marie Ampère c) Benjamin Franklin d) Hans Christian Ørsted 5) A law stating that when the magnetic flux linking a circuit changes, an electromotive force is induced in the circuit proportional to the rate of change of the flux linkage. a) Faraday's Law b) Coloumb's Law c) Law of Inertia d) Law of Acceleration

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