1) Showing how things are in real life a) Charming b) Mysterious c) Compllicated d) Powerful e) Realistic f) Surprising 2) Having a strong effect on people's feelings or opinions a) Moving b) Terrifying c) Powerful d) Charming e) Mysterious f) Dramatic 3) Very pleasing and enjoyable a) Charming b) Moving c) Dramatic d) Surprising e) Complicated f) Terrifying 4) Difficult to understand because it has a lot of different parts a) Surprising b) Dramatic c) Terrifying d) Charming e) Mysterious f) Complicated 5) Full of secrets a) Surprising b) Charming c) Complicated d) Moving e) Mysterious f) Terrifying 6) Unusual and unexpected a) Mysterious b) Complicated c) Surprising d) Dramatic e) Terrifying f) Moving 7) Making you feel strong emotions of sadness or sympathy a) Powerful b) Realistic c) Surprising d) Moving e) Dramatic f) Terrifying 8) Very scary a) Terrifying b) Surprising c) Moving d) Dramatic e) Mysterious f) Realistic 9) Exciting and full of action a) Moving b) Terrifying c) Dramatic d) Powerful e) Complicated f) Mysterious

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