-able, -ible - can be done , -acy - state or quality of, -al - act or process of, -ate - become, -dom - place or state of, -ed - past tense, -el,-et - example or instance of something , -ess - female, -ful, -ous - full of, -ic, -ical - pertaining to, -ify ,-ly  - make or become new, -ing - present participle, -ion,-tion,-ation - act, process, -ish - somewhat like or near, -ism - practice, state or condition, -ist - one who, -ty - quality of, -ize, -ise - make or become, -less - without, -ly - characteristic of, -ment - act of, result of, -ness - state of, -ology - study, science, -ship - position held , -ward - in the direction of, -y - having the quality of,

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