colaborar - to collaborate, el consejo estudiantil - student council, el coro - choir, el ensayo - rehearsal, hacerse miembro - to become a member, la orquesta - orchestra, aparacer - to appear, to turn up, desaparecer - to disappear, establecer - to establish, merecer - to deserve, to merit, obedecer - to obey, parecer - to seem, parecerse - to look like, to resemble, pertenecer - to belong, to pertain to, reconocer - to recognize, ahora mismo - right now, ¡Apúrate! - Hurry up!, ¡Chévere! - Great!, darse prisa - to hurry, En fin... - Any way..., enseguida - right away, immediately, Igualmente. - Me, too. / Likewise., ¡Para nada! - Not at all!, Pasándola. - Getting by., rápido - quickly, Se me hace tarde. - It's getting late., tal vez - maybe, perhaps, ¡Te lo juro! - I swear!, ¡Tengo prisa! - I am in a hurry!, ¡Ya voy! - I'm coming!, chistoso/a - funny, estricto/a - strict, estudioso/a - studious, fascinante - fascinating, harto/a (de) - tired (of), fed up with, fenomenal - phenomenal, great, genial - great, cool, insoportable - unbearable, motivado/a - motivated, organizado/a - organized, orgulloso/a - proud, responsable - responsible, talentoso/a - talented, trabajador(a) - hard working, vago/a - lazy, idle, dedicar - to dedicate, depender (de) - to depend (on), fijarse - to notice, prestar atención - to pay attention, tener confianza en sí/ti mismo - to have self-confidence, A mí me tocan... - I get..., ¡No es justo! - It's not fair!, ¡No hay quien lo/la aguante! - Nobody can stand him/her!, la nota - grade, note,

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