Functionalists believe that youth culture is part of a ____ phase between childhood and adulthood, so most people will experience some form of youth culture, and equally most will grow out of it once it has served its purpose. ____ (1954) referred to youth culture as being a ____ between childhood and adulthood. It is a rite of ____ for people they take their full place in society. ____ (19731956) argued youth culture bonds young people and creates a sense of community as they progress from the ascribed status given to them by birth and family and move towards an ____ status which they create for themselves. During this isolated phase between childhood and adulthood, there could be a risk of feelings of ____ and ____. ____ (1970) referred to a generation ____ whereby the values, interests and needs of each generation are different and more important than issues of race, class and gender.

functionalist view of youth culture

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