1) If I were you, a) I will marry him b) I would marry him c) I would have married him 2) If I had known, a) I will lend you my car b) I would lend you my car c) I would have lent you my car 3) If I have enough time a) I will watch the match b) I would watch the match c) I would have watched the match 4) If the weather stays good, we …………………… a game of tennis tomorrow. a) a) would play b) b) will play c) c) would have played d) d) will be playing 5) I would get up earlier, if there ……………………… a good reason to a) a) have been b) b) was c) c) is d) d) had been 6) What would you do if it ________ on your wedding day? a) rained b) will rain c) would rain 7) If she comes, I _____ call you. a) will b) would c) would have 8) If I eat peanut butter, I ________ sick. a) would have gotten b) would get c) get 9) What will you do if you ________ the history exam? a) would fail b) will fail c) fail 10) If they had not _____ the car, I would have driven you. a) take b) taken c) would take 11) If it snows, ________ still drive to the coast? a) will you b) would you c) would you have 12) "He would have gone with you if you had asked him." Which conditional is this? a) first b) second c) third d) Zero 13) "If I won a million dollars, I would buy my own airplane." Which conditional is this? a) zero b) first c) second d) third 14) "If I forget her birthday, Andrea gets upset." Which conditional is this? a) zero b) first c) second d) third 15) "What will she do if she misses the bus?" Which conditional is this? a) first b) second c) third d) zero 16) If I study, I _______ pass the exam. a) Will be on b) Will be c) Would d) will 17) If I _____ much money, I will buy some electronic devices. a) Have has b) Have had c) Have d) Has 18) My mother would not go to my uncle's house if my uncle _______ my mother's call. a) Had received b) Received c) Receives d) Receive 19) If you did the test perfectly, you _________ a special gift from your parents. a) Get b) Got c) Will get d) Would get 20) Mr. Benny ______ not continue the lesson if the students of class VIII A were so noisy at the time. a) Will b) Wills c) Would d) Would to 21) If I ______ you, I ________ give her a special gift in her birthday party. a) Were - would b) Were - will c) Am - would d) Am - will 22) (1st) If I _____ very beautiful and tall enough, I___register myself to be a model. a) Am - will b) Am - would c) Are - would d) Were - would 23) Angel will move this table to another place if you ________ her house tomorrow. a) Comes to b) Come to c) Came to d) Came 24) (3rd)If Immanuel ___________ a lot of money for buying a car, he _______to some tourism destination with you. a) Have - would have gone b) had had- would have go c) have had- would have gone d) has had- would have gone 25) Noel would ________ you all if he had received regular transfer money from his parents. a) Treats b) Has treat c) Have treat d) Have treated 26) My Mathematics teacher will give us an opportunity to join the test next meeting if we _________ exercises have been given before. a) Do b) did c) does d) done 27) If I ___________ time tonight, I will finish the novel that I am reading. a) will have b) am having c) have d) has 28) I will leave early ______________________. a) if I will finish my work b) if I am finish my work c) if I finish my work d) if I won't finish my work 29) If you __________ by plane it ____________ 2 hours. a) are going / will take b) go / will take c) will go / take d) won't go / don't take 30) I will stay in bed If I ________________ well tomorrow. a) won't feel b) felt c) don't feel d) not feel 31) Put the words into the correct order. "If, her mother, exams, happy, be, Jane, passes, will, her, a) If her mother be happy Jane will passes her exams. b) If Jane will be happy her mother passes her exams. c) If Jane passes her exams, her mother will be happy. d) If Jane will passes her exams her mother are happy. 32) If I were in your shoes, I think I ---- to her rather than try to explain what has happened over the phone. a) spoke b) have spoken c) would speak d) will speak 33) If I ---- the consequences of my action, I would not have acted so hastily. a) have realized b) realize c) realized d) had realized 34) If I ---- in my youth what I know now about how deceitful people can be, I would have felt too scared to trust anyone at all in my life. a) know b) knew c) were to know d) had known 35) If he had been more careful, nothing a) would happen b) will have happened c) would have happened 36) If I ____you, I would not tell him. a) will be b) was c) were 37)  She will finish the essay, if you _____ her anymore a) will not disturb b) don’t disturb c) would not disturb 38) If I _____a bear wearing a wreath I would be very surprised. a) will see b) had seen c) saw 39) My father would have cooked supper if he___ the food a) bought b) buys c) had bought 40) If I remember, I _____ you later today. a) will call b) call c) would call 41) ( zero) If it ______ hot, ice cream _____. a) be/ melt b) be / melts c) is/ melts d) was/ melts 42) (1st) If it rains, I________________at home a) Would stay b) stay c) will stay d) stayed 43) If they ____ new batteries, their camera would have worked correctly a) use b) used c) will use d) had used 44) If you _____ a minute, I will come with you. a) wait b) waits c) waited d) had waited 45) If we arrived at 10, we _____ Tyler's presentation. a) will miss b) misses c) would miss d) would have missed


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