1) definition cycle  a) a serie and and event b) and treasure c) reciclying a tings 2) what the definition of harmonic motion ? a) and different type of motion b) : a periodic motion (as of a sounding violin string or swinging pendulum) that has a single frequency or amplitude or is composed of two or more such simple periodic motions. c) and other sciencetist 3) what can help the time ? a) in many tings b) nowing the time c) seen what hour we are d) seeng how many time we have a the day 4) what is mass ?  a) a large body of matter b) a piece of eny ting c) and small piece 5) what of this images is the time sec ? a) b) any time  c) different sec 6) what is force ? a) and push b) any action c) the total of forces d) any action that has the ability to change motion

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