Kuiper Belt - Belt at the end of our solar system that is home to comets and icy bodies., Asteroid Belt - Between Mars and Jupiter. Separates the inner and outer planets., Solstice - Sun reaches max height in the sky. Longest day of the year., Equinox - There are equal hours of day and night., Eclipse - When one celestial body casts a shadow on another., Solar Eclipse - Moon comes between the Earth and Sun, Lunar Eclipse - The Earth comes between the moon and the Sun, Umbra - Darkest shadow during an eclipse, Penumbra - Faint shadow from an eclipse, Eccentricity - How oval or circular an orbit is., Asteroid - "minor planet" , Meteor - "Shooting Star"; rock found falling through the atmosphere, Meteorite - Meteor that has landed on the ground, Comet - Takes an elliptical path around the sun; Icy dust ball., WAXING MOON - When the moon's light is on the right.., WANING MOON - When the moon's light is on the left...., Gibbous - When more than half of the moon is lit up., Crescent - When less than half of the moon is lit up., First quarter moon, Third (Last) quarter moon,

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