What do you take? (familiar) - ?Que vas a tomar?, What do you take? (formal) - ?Que va a tomar?, What do you (plural) take? (formal) - ?Que van a tomar?, I am going to bring the fajitas - Voy a traer fajitas, You are going to buy cheese - Vas a comprar el queso, He/she/it is going to be really cool - Va a ser superguay, We are going to dance - Vamos a bailar, They are going to eat a lot - Van a comer mucho, and for main? - ?y de segundo?, for to drink? - ?para beber?, to bring - traer, to buy - comprar, to be - ser, to dance - bailar, to sing - cantar,

Viva 2; Module 3 - Verbs

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