1) They ....... tennis. a) play b) plays 2) My dog...... all day. a) sleep b) sleeps 3) I ... in winter. a) ice skate b) ice skates 4) My brother ....... well. a) swim b) swims 5) The baby ... every night a) cry b) cries 6) They ... English. a) study b) studies 7) She ... TV. a) watch b) watching c) watches 8) She ..... her bedroom. a) clean b) cleans 9) We ... at school. a) work b) works 10) I ... ice cream. a) like b) likes 11) She ... coke. a) drink b) drinks 12) He ... at the disco. a) dance b) dances 13) We ... at restaurants. a) eat b) eats 14) It ... in autumn. a) rain b) rains 15) My father...............a shower. a) has b) haves c) have

Present Simple: Affirmative (zdania twierdzące)

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