Translate: W każdym zespole jest ktoś, kto ciągle zagaduje innych., The time is running ___, so we have to make the decision today. , Sorry I'm late. The previous meeting has run ___., I'm good ___ communicating with others., If things are getting complicated, what's the idiom you can use to tell about it?, When two parties of a discussion agree on something, they've reached a M_T_A_ A_R_E_E_T., When you've been working somewhere for at least 3 years and you quit, you have 3 months P_R_O_ O_ N_T_C_., What's the name of that?, How to say 3/4? What's the name of that number in English?, Name 5 different shapes you can find around you., What's that in the picture?, What's that in the picture?, Press "ENTER" and download the app. - How can you say it more 'dynamically'?, What does an operational worker do?, How can you describe a situation when you have very limited money on a project and you work under very strict time constraints?, Name 2 things that typically happen at the beginning of a project., When you keep people informed about the progress of the project, you keep them in a communication ____. , on time = in _ ______ ______, If you miss/lose something, it..., When you're back to the starting point, you often say that you're..., Translate: Mieliśmy chwilowe problemy z mailem, ale znaleźliśmy sposób, jak to obejść., Name 5 collocations for the word "problem" (or issue)., When it comes to our project, we're [na ostatniej prostej], so we'll probably meet the deadline without any problems., Wróciłam z Gdańska 3 dni temu. - translate, When you pass your duties to a colleague, how do you say it in Business English?, How do you call a process/scheme/schedule that you can reuse multiple times?, I like it when my boss knows what am I doing. - correct the sentence, Powiedz to na głos! - translate, I’d like to ask what does it a day in this job look like. - correct the sentence, I'm not sure if delivering this project within a month [jest wykonalne]., We need to start tomorrow, but lots of things are still (niepostanowione)., Translate: Ustaliliśmy zbyt krótki deadline, więc musieliśmy go przesunąć, żeby udało nam się go dotrzymać., A good project manager should be able to tackle problems that occur on the way quickly and effectively. - read it out loud, Dziś nie potrzebujesz żadnej nowoczesnej technologii żeby pracować zdalnie., Despite not having any concrete evidence, (mam przeczucie) that our sales will increase this quarter., With proper planning and execution, this project has the potential to (DILYE) good returns for our company., The pandemic has been a (podwójny cios) for small businesses, first with the shutdowns and now with the economic recovery., One of the biggest (wyzwania, które nas spotykają) in this project is the tight timeline we have to work with., Mam problem z połączeniem z Internetem. - translate, Everything is interesting for me - [jest dużo informacji, które chciałabym zapamiętać, bo mogą się przydać]., Translate: Nie jestem przyzwyczajona do dojeżdżania do biura codziennie., Translate: Gdyby cloud storage był droższy, ludzie nie chomikowaliby tyle plików., We had a meeting where we discussed [wdrożenie nowego procesu w firmie]. It was good, but there were so many people that [czuję się przebodźcowana] and I need to rest..


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