1) This horse ... fast. a) run b) runs c) runes 2) I ... in winter when it's snowy. a) skate b) skates c) skatese 3) He ... every summer. a) swim b) swims c) swimms 4) The baby ... when it's hungry. a) cry b) cries c) cryes 5) You ... English. a) speak b) speaks c) speakes 6) She ... TV after school. a) watch b) watches c) watchs 7) He ... his room every Sunday. a) tidy b) tidies c) tidyes 8) We ... at school every day. a) teach b) teaches c) teachs 9) I ... ice cream in summer. a) eat b) eats c) eates 10) She ... at 6 o'clock every Friday. a) dance b) dances c) dancees 11) Kate usually ... eggs for breakfast. a) eat b) eats c) eates 12) It often ... in autumn. a) rain b) rains c) raines 13) My parents ... a car to work every day. a) drive b) drives c) drivees 14) Granny always ... me on weekends. a) phone b) phonees c) phones

B JUNIOR I WONDER UNIT 3, Present Simple +s / +es

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