If you suddenly ______ (become) a millionaire, ______ you still ______ (study) English?, If you suddenly BECAME a millionaire, WOULD you still STUDY English?, If you ______ (see) another student cheating in a test, ______ you ______ (tell) the teacher?, If you SAW another student cheating in a test, WOULD you TELL the teacher?, If you ______ (be) a member of the opposite sex, ______ your life ______ (be) easier?, If you WERE a member of the opposite sex, WOULD your life BE easier?, If you ______ (find) $1000 in the street, ______ you ______ (keep) it?, If you FOUND $1000 in the street, WOULD you KEEP it?, If you ______ (find) someone's personal diary, ______ you ______ (read) it?, If you FOUND someone's personal diary, WOULD you READ it?, If you ______ (sing) at a karaoke party, what song ______ you ______ (sing)?, If you SANG at a karaoke party, what song WOULD you SING?, If you ______ (see) someone stealing a car in the street, ______ you ______ (call) the police?, If you SAW someone stealing a car in the street, WOULD you CALL the police?, If you ______ (go) out to dinner with a famous film star, ______ you ______ (offer) to pay for the meal?, If you WENT out to dinner with a famous film star, WOULD you OFFER to pay for the meal?, If you ______ (not like) your partner's favourite dress or shirt, ______ you ______ (tell) her/him?, If you DIDN'T LIKE your partner's favourite dress or shirt, WOULD you TELL her/him?, If you ______ (see) a famous person in the street, ______ you ______ (ask) for his/her autograph?, If you SAW a famous person in the street, WOULD you ASK for his/her autograph?, If your best friend ______ (tell) you he/she was stealing money from work, ______ you ______ (tell) the police?, If your best friend TOLD you he/she was stealing money from work, WOULD you TELL the police?, If you ______ (not study) English, ______ you ______ (study) another language?, If you DIDN'T STUDY English, WOULD you STUDY another language?, If you ______ (be) arrested, ______ you ______ (tell) your parents (or children)?, If you WERE arrested, WOULD you TELL your parents (or children)?, If you ______ (have to) look after a neighbour's per for a month, ______ you ______ (prefer) to look after a dog or a cat?, If you HAD TO look after a neighbour's pet for a month, WOULD you PREFER to look after a dog or a cat?, If you ______ (win) the lottery, ______ you ______ (stop) working or studying immediately?, If you WON the lottery, WOULD you STOP working or studying immediately?, If you ______ (have to) study a school subject again, what subject ______ you ______ (choose)?, If you HAD TO study a school subject again, what subject WOULD you CHOOSE?, If you ______ (can) buy any car in the world, which car ______ you ______ (buy)?, If you COULD buy any car in the world, which car WOULD you BUY?, If you ______ (be) a famous actor, musician, or singer, who ______ you ______ (like) to be?, If you WERE a famous actor, musician, or singer, who WOULD you LIKE to be?, If you ______ (can) travel back in time, which year ______ you ______ (choose) to go to?, If you COULD travel back in time, which year WOULD you choose to go to?, If you ______ (know) that the world was going to end in 24 hours, what ______ you ______ (do)?, If you KNEW that the world was going to end in 24 hours, what WOULD you DO?, If you ______ (need) $100.000 very quickly, how ______ you ______ (get) it?, If you NEEDED $100.000 very quickly, how WOULD you GET it?, If you ______ (win) a travel competition, where ______ you ______ (go)?, If you WON a travel competition, where WOULD you GO?, If you ______ (can) have dinner with anyone in the world, who ______ you ______ (choose)?, If you COULD have dinner with anyone in the world, who WOULD you CHOOSE?, If there ______ (be) a fire in your house, what ______ you ______ (take out) of the house first?, If there WAS a fire in your house, what WOULD you TAKE OUT of the house first?, If you ______ (can) be in the TV programme, which one ______ you ______ (like) to be in?, If you COULD be in the TV programme, which one WOULD you LIKE to be in?.

second conditional

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