1) How many days it take God to create the world? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 2) What did God create on the third day? a) Land animals & humans b) The sun and the stars c) Earth, sea and vegetation d) The God rested 3) What bird Noah sent to check if the water had gone down? a) Magnemite b) Yona- Dove c) Robin d) Rooster 4) What was the sign of God’s covenant (Brit) between Himself and all living creatures? a) Rainbow b) Thunder c) Cat d) Falling leaves 5) God asked him to leave and go to the land He would show him. a) Lot b) Issac c) Noah d) Abraham 6) Whose wife became a salt pillar? a) Lot b) Jacob c) Pharaoh d) Abraham 7) What amount did Abraham pay for the cave- "Maarat Ha` machpelah"? a) 700 b) 1000 c) 400 d) 1200 8) What is the name of Yitzhak's wife? a) Serah b) Rachel c) Leah d) Rivka 9) What did Eisav sell for lentil stew? a) His car b) His weapon c) His brother d) His Birthright 10) What did Jacob dream about? a) He was counting sheeps b) About his next meal c) Angels going up and down the ladder d) It was hard for him to sleep on the pile of rocks 11) What other name does Jacob have? a) Israel b) Shalom c) Noah d) Yuval 12) What special skill Joseph had? a) He was a model and all the clothes were beautiful on him b) He knew how to interpret dreams c) He was a good athlete d) He was an outstanding student at school 13) What did Pharaoh dream about? a) That stars, the sun and moon bow to him b) 7 skinny cows and 7 healthy fat cows c) Milton school d) Judaic studies 14) What did Joseph say to his brothers after revealing his identity? a) Why did you sell me? b) Is my father still alive? c) How did you not recognize me d) A knock knock joke 15) On whose head did Jacob place his right hand? a) Manasseh b) Gad c) Ephraim d) Dan 16) what was Jacob's brother name? a) abraham b) esav c) binyamin d) israel 17) yosef framed one of his brother and put a golden cup in his bag a) בנימין b) יהודה c) ישככר d) יצחק 18) The name of the servent that went to find a wife for יצחק a) yosef b) Eliezer c) jacob d) lavan 19) רבקה father was... a) Eliezer b) lavan c) yehuda d) יצחק 20) why רבקה called her son יצחק a) god laugh when he saw him b) he was laughing when he born c) she was laughing  when god told her she will have a child d) he was crying and she want him to laugh 21) how old was Sarah when she had a baby? a) 90 b) 100 c) 99 d) 94 22) how many kids did jacob had a) 12 b) 13 c) 11 d) 17 23) how many פרשות there is in sefer בראשית? a) 17 b) 10 c) 12 d) 21

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