1) In PL/SQL, what is the meaning of “block”? a) A piece of code divided into three sections: declaration and exception-handling sections. b) A piece of code divided into two sections: declaration, two sections: declaration, executable, and exception- handling sections. c) A piece of code divided into three sections: declaration,executable, and exception-handling sections. d) The act of blocking a database user. 2) Which command should I use to select a single row from a table into variables? a) Create database b) Select Into c) Drop Database 3) In PL/SQL, what is the meaning of “trigger”? a) It is a part of a PL/SQL block called a gun. b) It is a named PL/SQL block stored in the Oracle Database and executed automatically when a triggering event takes place. c) A piece of code divided into three sections: declaration, executable, and exception-handling sections. d) It is a standard and portable language for Oracle Database development 

"What is the meaning?" "Which command should I use?"


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