litterbug - A person who carelessly drops trash in a public place., take a stand - Act to fight for something you feel strongly about., wrapper - A piece of paper, plastic, or foil covering and protecting something (often food)., strew - Scatter or spread untidily over a surface or area., offender - A person who commits an illegal act., penalty - A punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract., hefty - A very large number or amount of., severe - Strict or harsh, initiate - Cause a process or action to begin., eyesore - A thing that is very ugly, especially a building that spoils the view of a landscape., refuse - Things that are thrown away or rejected as worthless; trash., assigned - Set aside for a specific purpose., policy - A course of action adopted or proposed by a government, party, business, or individual., digest - Break down food in the stomach so it can be absorbed and used by the body.,

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