1) Which of the following is most appropriate about karakia? a) Karakia is used to invoke and inspire a positive outcome b) Karakia is only used for religious purposes c) Karakia to introduce yourself 2) When is the most appropriate time to use mihi/pepeha? a) To close a discussion b) To introduce yourself c) To begin a karakia 3) Sitting on tables is: a) Tapu b) Mana c) Mauri 4) What is the opposite to tapu? a) Mana b) Noa c) Mauri 5) Select the most appropriate definition for tikanga: a) Rules and practices b) Celebration c) Dance 6) Select the most appropriate definition for whanaungatanga: a) To bless the food b) To take care of visitors c) To build relationships, connections and belonging 7) Select the most appropriate definition for manaakitanga? a) To show hospitality and care for people b) To show protocol and traditional practices c) To take care of people and places 8) What is the correct Maaori word for value a) uara b) pepa c) koha 9) Who does tangata whenua refer to? a) Maaori b) Indigenous people c) Paakeha d) Visitors to Aotearoa NZ 10) Who does mana whenua refer to? a) Tainui b) Maaori from that particular place of land c) The Treaty of Waitangi

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