1) je vais apprendre à a) I'm going to learn how to b) This year I want c) I intend to be d) I'd like to tidy my room 2) En 2024 je veux a) I intend to be b) In 2024 I'm going to c) In 2024 I want d) In 2024 I'd like to tidy my room 3) je vais essayer de manger a) I would like to eat b) I intend to eat c) I want to eat d) I'm going to try to eat 4) faire plus d'exercice a) I'd like to learn how to b) to do more exercise c) I'm going to help d) to read more 5) je veux faire a) to spend less time b) I'd like to tidy my room c) I want to do/make d) I intend to be 6) je voudrais ranger ma chambre a) I want to tidy my room b) I'd like to tidy my room c) I'm going to tidy my room d) I'm going to try to tidy my room 7) aider mes parents plus souvent a) to help my parents more often b) I want to learn how to c) I intend to be d) I want to help 8) être plus sympa avec tout le monde a) to be better organised b) I'm going to try to learn how to c) For the new year, I'd like d) to be nicer with everybody 9) parler plus de français a) to try to spend less time b) I intend to speak more French c) to speak more French d) to be nicer with everybody 10) apprendre à jouer de la guitare a) to try to spend less time b) I want to learn how to c) I'm going to help d) to learn how to play the guitar

New Year resolutions Y9 spring 1


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