1) bentlakásos iskola a) compulsory b) lenient c) boarding school d) school leaving exam e) public school f) private school 2) szakiskola a) school leaving exam b) play truant c) punctual d) vocational school e) secondary school f) technical college 3) óvoda a) nursery school b) be expelled c) strict d) dormitory e) elementary school f) primary school 4) tanári szoba a) victim b) staff room c) window in the timetable d) demanding e) classroom f) canteen 5) iskolába jár a) attend school b) student hostel c) demanding d) boarding school e) enroll f) be absent 6) kirúgják a) extracurricular activities b) window in the timetable c) resit/retake an exam d) be expelled e) fail an exam f) crib from 7) magol a) extracurricular activities b) punctual c) cram d) student hostel e) crib from f) cheat 8) beíratkozik a) strict b) scholarship c) enroll d) nursery school e) be expelled f) develop skills 9) szakkör a) substitution b) resit/retake an exam c) extracurricular activities d) enroll e) evening classes f) science lab 10) ösztöndíj a) scholarship b) student hostel c) demanding d) optional e) compulsory f) cram 11) jegy a) parent-teacher meeting b) grade/mark c) extracurricular activities d) cram e) mistake f) progress 12) hibázik a) optional b) demanding c) lenient d) make mistake e) develop skills f) broaden the knowledge 13) lóg a) school leaving exam b) optional c) be expelled d) play truant e) cram for f) crib from 14) pótvizsgázik a) school trip b) staff room c) resit/retake an exam d) nursery school e) skip class f) sit an exam 15) érettségi a) strict b) school leaving exam c) dormitory d) vocational school e) final exam f) mock exam 16) iskolai kirándulás a) school trip b) window in the timetable c) make mistake d) extracurricular activities e) extra activities f) substitution 17) hozzáértő a) bully b) competent c) school trip d) be expelled e) ambitious f) motivated 18) pontos a) substitution b) competent c) cram d) punctual 19) szigorú a) student hostel b) play truant c) strict d) parent-teacher meeting 20) diákszálló a) victim b) student hostel c) window in the timetable d) be expelled 21) kollégium a) vocational school b) bully c) dormitory d) play truant 22) kötelező a) punctual b) compulsory c) dormitory d) victim e) optional 23) választható a) scholarship b) vocational school c) optional d) school trip e) compulsory 24) szülői értkezlet a) resit/retake an exam b) boarding school c) parent-teacher meeting d) make mistake 25) helyettesítés a) parent-teacher meeting b) substitution c) dormitory d) extracurricular activities

Matura b1 unit 3 School vocab 1

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