I have a little black cat, whose name is Blacky, A herbivore is an animal that feeds upon vegetation, Carol , who is only 9 years old, plays the piano brilliantly, Sydney, which is not the capital of Australia, is the largest Australian city, The book we ordered was very expensive, The paint on the bench you are sitting on is still wet, The photographer could not develop the pictures that I had taken in Australia, The bin that you haven't emptied for 3 weeks smells awful, The city, which is usually crowded with people, seems to be abandoned these days, Unfortunately, the offer that we had made on the house was not accepted, A woman who assists other women in childbirth is a midwife, The police arrested three youngsters who had committed criminal offences, The man on that bridge, who is walking the black dog, is my uncle, My sister, who has a very short fuse, always apologises to me eventually, The man whose wife is standing over there, is a great artist, This is my friend Freddy, whose sister works with my mum,
FCE I3-I4 Unit 6 Relative clause scramble
relative clauses
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