1) I’m 18 and my brother is 20, so he’s ........ me. a) the oldest of b) older than c) as old as d) I don't know 2) Tomorrow’s a holiday, so we ........ go to work.  a) have to b) mustn’t c) don’t have to d) I don't know 3) My friend Siena ........ to Russia last year. a) went b) has gone c) has been d) I don't know 4) If I ........ well in my exams, I ........ to university.  a) will do; will go b) will do; go c) do; will go d) I don't know 5) I wish I ........ have an exam tomorrow! a) don’t b) didn’t c) won’t d) I don't know 6) There ........ milk in the fridge. a) is some b) are some c) is a d) I don't know 7) ........ feeling OK? You don’t look very well. a) Do you b) You are c) Are you d) I don't know 8) __ you play the guitar? a) Can b) Are c) Does d) Is e) I don't know 9) My sister __ a lot of films on TV. a) does watch b) watch c) watching d) watches e) I don't know 10) When __ your homework? a) do you do b) does you do c) are you do d) I don't know 11) Hi, Jake. Where ______? a) do you go b) are you going c) are you go d) do you going e) I don't know 12) Where __ you yesterday morning? a) are b) was c) is d) were e) I don't know 13) My dad __ to work this morning. a) didn’t go b) didn’t went c) wasn’t go d) don’t go e) I don't know 14) When __ at the station? a) was she arrive b) she arrived c) did she arrive d) I don't know 15) The teacher shouted __ at her students. a) angrily b) angry c) like angry d) was angry e) I don't know 16) Can your big brother run really __? a) faster b) fastly c) fastest d) fast e) I don't know 17) All pupils __ do their homework on time. a) can b) have c) must d) don't have to e) I don't know 18) My brother had an accident when he __ his bike.  a) was riding b) was rode c) is riding d) was ride e) I don't know 19) Geoff and Julie were watching TV when the phone __. a) rung b) did ring c) was ringing d) rang e) I don't know 20) This is the __restaurant in this city a) good b) better c) best d) most e) I don't know 21) I think doing sport is __ interesting than watching it. a) more b) much c) most d) worse e) I don't know 22) My brother __ at university next year a) studies b) will study c) is going to study d) is studying e) I don't know 23) I don’t think people __ ever live on the moon a) are going to b) must c) will d) are going e) I don't know 24) They’ll go out for a picnic today if the weather __ good. a) be b) is  c) will be d) was e) I don't know 25) __ Juliette ever been to America? a) Did b) Was  c) Has  d) Have e) I don't know 26) I don’t want anything to eat now. I’ve __ had dinner. a) yet b) never c) just d) ever e) I don't know 27) I always eat much __ than anyone else in my family a) more slowly b) more slower c) more slow d) slowlier e) I don't know 28) I think the journey __ take a really long time because there’s always loads of traffic at this time. a) should b) ought to c) would  d) might e) I don't know 29) If I had my own money, I _____ buy myself a laptop. a) would b) can c) must  d) will e) I don't know 30) This book _________ by J.K Rowling.  a) had been written  b) was written c) wrote d) writed e) I don't know 31) Hockey _______ in winter. a) is played b) being played c) playing d) played e) I don't know 32) Another test in English __________ tomorrow. a) wrote b) will write c) will be written d) going to write e) I don't know 33) There are a lot of _____ in the woods. a) wolfes b) wolves c) wolfs d) wolvs e) I don't know 34) I don't know _____ a) their b) them c) themselves d) I have no idea :) 35) _____ flowers and ______ trees.  a) These are, those are b) This is, that is c) This are, that are d) This are, that are e) I don't know 36) It's my ______ time here. a) one b) once c) oneth d) first e) I don't know 37) I couldn't open the door because I _____ the keys at work. a) forgot b) had forgotten c) forgetting d) have forgotten e) I don't know

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