1) Largest Organ in the human body a) Lungs b) Brain c) Stomach d) Heart e) Skin f) Kidneys 2) A group of two or more types of tissue that work together to carry out one specific function. a) Tissue b) Organ c) Cell d) Compound e) Element f) Cell Wall 3) relies on nerve tissue and connective tissue to help its muscle tissue carry out its duties. a) Heart b) Lungs c) Kidneys d) Brain e) Cells f) Tissue 4) are responsible for a variety of a plant’s life functions, including support, photosynthesis, and reproduction. a) Lungs b) Cells c) Tissues d) Organ e) Heart f) Shoots 5) absorb water and nutrients from the ground and then supply these substances to all the other parts of the plant. a) Organs b) Organisms c) Roots d) Brain e) Muscle f) Mouth

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