Solitary Play - The child plays alone & independently, not interacting with other children., Parallel Play - The child plays near others; may mirror the play of the other child, but typically does not engage in conversation.Toddlers play next to each other – even with same activity, imitating another child, but are not engaging with each other., Onlooker Behavior - The child who simply watches others at play., Associative Play - The child begins to play with other children but does not commit to a joint focus; still focused on a separate activity but there’s a considerable amount of sharing, lending, taking turns, & attending to the activities of one’s peers.Children play together sharing activities and toys, Cooperative Play - The child plays with others. The play is characterized by shared, defined goals & a joint focus. This requires real effort to negotiate themes & roles.Children play together with a certain predefined theme such as "house" or "family", Sociodramatic Play - Complex cooperative play, where the child must a) engage in role playing; b) make believe with actions and objects; c) have verbal and social interaction with at least one other person; d) have a play theme that persists for 10 min. or more.,

Development of Play Skills

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