Outputs - These are the things that we have at the end. The can be semi-finished or finished products. , Inputs - These are things we put in at the start: Workers, money/capital, raw materials, Proccesses - These are things we do to the inputs to turn them into semi-finished or finished products: Carving & assembling., Secondary economic activities  - Making or manufacturing something., Light industry - In this type of industry the product being made are small & light: electronic products & healthcare products., Heavy industry - In this type of industry the raw materials & the products being made are big & heavy: Steel making, ship building, Capital - Money: How much will it cost to set up a factory., Skilled workers - Workers with third level qualifications who are able to do specialised work., Transport - Needed to be able to get its raw materials in from its suppliers and its finished products out to its market: air, sea, road and rail.,

Secondary Economic Activities Keywords


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